How to quit
There is a lot of lit out there about getting what you want, negotiating that perfect pay, getting that perfect job etc. hardly anyone tells you how to quit. I guess there are so many issues revolving around the big Q for example. We all knw that old adage ‘quitters never win, and thus we all wrongly attach quitting to a failure mentality. So when we quit we feel the guilt and we might even give the situation another desperate try.
Well, here is the thing, I picked up my nephew from school, my nephew a 6yr old boy who loves to swim is in the 2nd grade and has afternoion avtivities, his class was given the option to pick from chess, swimming and art. He loves all but most of all he loves to swim, so he picked swimming. But the boy cant swim, so this I guess in his young mind was an opportunity to learn HOW to swim. Only the instructor was working under tha assumption that all his students CAN swim. He tells them to jump in a nd do a lap. My newphew fails so the teacher tells him to get out of the pool, ‘if you cant swim, you cant be here’ he gave swimming all of 2 tries hoping the teacher would change, the very next week, he quit swimming and joined chess. Why? Well, why should he spend his t ime being abused?
So here we are, you are faced with adversity; you are being treated unfairly either at work, or school or in your relationship. You cannot imahine why you are being undervalued, cannot understand the course or are just not interested what eber your reason you want to quit. So you ask your friends; your family for advice and everyone is either on the quitters never win tip or the give it another try song. No matter what the occation or how you feel deep down inside you give it another try.
Now taking from my nephew, why subject yourself to the abuse? Why when you know what you want and how you feel about your situation, what does everyone know that you do not about you? You know what’s good for you and when you are cirtain, walk out.
We all watched horrible bosses and the proposal; we all know the stories of Jobs, Gates, Branson and the Black berry guys, I salute those guys because they all did it, they all quit at some stage in their lives, usually the stage where they new that they were wastng their time on something they either did not want or need. How will you really know your full potential if you hang on to hope, the hope that things will get better or a PROMISE of things to come.
So how do you quit, make a decision and just walk the fuck out. Ignore the sinking sensation in your belly, its butterflies,
the butterflies of freedom, the only thing you will be purging is the bad energy. All that will be left is the light feeling of the lost chip on your shoulder.