Personally, I do not want to be employed. Having held a very flexible job for over 7 years that has allowed me to not only pursue further education, but to work flexible hours, express myself and even fight with my bosses (yes, I work for a family business). I have no desire to seek any other kind of formal employment and have a boss.
The downside to this, is that I am relying on the same money that feeds me, clothes me and has educated me to finance me and my rather expensive interests. This is why I decided to go into Business. There are other motivations: I want to make my own income outside of the family, I want to ‘feel’ accomplished and so on and so on.
I was recently reminded though that given my age, I had better have a goal in site. ‘being a millionaire’ hardly makes the mark, Goals have to be simple, with measurable and achievable outcomes at the end of a given timeline, with contingencies and milestones that help you track your progress.
So who am I and what do I want to do that will ‘Make me happy?’. Happiness, as I am told is key to the process of goal setting and achieving. Well, this is where it gets interesting for me; because ‘I don’t know’
I can list all the things I want to be: Wealthy, business success story, well known, celebrated and revered for some great achievement. But how can I achieve this feat IF I do not know what that is?
Saddened by the realization that unlike Martin Luther King, I do not have a ‘DREAM, I have therefore decided to write my ‘I want to do’ List, a list of things I actually am doing and would like to do even NOW that I hope will one day pay me. Maybe in this list, I will find my ‘Thing’.